Twilight Banter

                                Welcome to our home.  Currently shown is a photo gallery of the work on our new home.



          Brad & Karen & Sadie & Sasha                                                        The House


The living room - love the harvest gold carpet!                                      The kitchen - faux brick paneling & harvest gold linoleum.


          Carpet gone!                                                                                      Demo is fun. Sledgehammer is good.


          Opening up wall to kitchen.                                                              Opening wall to dining room.


           Open sesame!                                                                                  Spackling or torture?


          Paint and laminate hardwood floors down.                                            Other direction


          Hallway before                                                                                       Hallway - mostly done


            Front Bedroom Flooring done                                                            Front Bathroom floor



            Middle Bedroom - Floors, Trim & Paint                                                   Crown Molding Living Room                                                           

Last updated: 05/31/2006 07:58:55 PM